Spirit Wind Horse Rescue
Our Roots
Spirit Wind Horse Rescue has rescued, trained and re-homed at least 300 horses since our inception in 2006. It all started when two friends (Beth and Vee), went to the local livestock auction in Delta CO. By the end of the auction they had rescued three mares from being purchased for slaughter and six puppies.
To learn more about us and our history click here.

Spirit Wind
Horse Rescue
This 501c(3) organization has no paid staff, is volunteer driven and relies on donations.
We are currently caring for approximately 12 equines which are housed on the respective home properties owned by the two women who started it all.
We appreciate any assistance you can give by donation to support the horses care: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/SpiritWindHorseRescue

Filling a great need
We are a horse rescue in Delta County. Because this county is very rural, it results in many local horses in quick need of a new home. Without our work these horses would likely be taken to auction and purchased for slaughter. We have also rescued numerous BLM mustangs over the years.
Helping people who can
no longer provide care
Spirit Wind Horse Rescue has said yes to taking in the horses of numerous residents who are aging or have passed. There are also those who have fallen on hard times and can no longer provide adequate care. There have even been dude ranch riding programs that have had to relinquish horses.
Our work helps these people, but more importantly it saves the lives of these special equines.

Our Commitment
We're committed to providing our horses with training, in order to make them more likely to be adopted to forever homes. If they are unlikely to be adopted, we provide life-long sanctuary for them.
While we are small, we are efficient. We have provided a safe landing, new beginnings and when needed, life-long care and safety for over 300 equines.
We need your help
Donations are crucial to our future success. Even small donations can make a difference.
CURRENT FUNDRAISER on Colorado Gives at https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/SpiritWindHorseRescue
There are also other ways you can help.
You can also sponsor one of our horses.
Please, if you love horses, consider supporting us.

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther